Other Neopian Faeries

There are many other Faeries that make their homes in Neopia. Without their daily guidance, the inhabitants of Neopia would surely be lost.

The Negg Faerie

This elusive little character resides deep within the Neggery. It is a very chilly place in the ice caves, but if you make the trek to visit her you may be well rewarded:)

The Neopian Neggery

The Neggery is located in the Ice Caves. It is run by the Negg Faerie who will reward you handsomely for bringing her rare and wonderful Neggs. For each Negg you bring to her you will receive a number of Negg tokens depending on the rarity and cost of the Negg. These tokens can be exchanged for cool prizes from the Faerie.

Jhuidah The Island Faerie

Welcome stranger, I am Jhuidah the Island Faerie. This is my magical cooking pot. If you place suitable gifts to Pango Pango inside it he may bless you with a very rare spectacular item. Be warned though, if your offerings do not please the god he can be extremely vengeful!

Choose wisely what you would like to give to the Great Pango Pango then close your eyes. Wish for something very, very special and then stir the pot three times in a clockwise direction. When the liquid settles, Pango Pango will give you a great reward.

Balthazar the Bounty Hunter

Balthazar makes an evil profit by capturing the beautiful Faeries of Neopia and bottling them into jars. They are held helpless until he sells them for a profit. (Until the recent card updates, Balthazar was portrayed as the elf above. Now he is shown as a Lupe, possibly to help with neocard organization.)

Other Fae Creatures

Elder Dwarf

Elven Girl

Elven Girl

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