The Battle Faerie

In olden times of war this magical creature was said to help inexperienced pets learn to defend themselves and on rare occasions teach the strongest ones a lesson they would never forget.

The many faces of The Battle Faerie

The Battle Faerie in Battle

Battle Faerie Items
The Battle Faerie
The Battle Faerie
This Scimitar is a present from the Battle Faerie and will help you win your battles!
This Scimitar is a present from the Battle Faerie and will help you win your battles!
This Scimitar is a present from the Battle Faerie and will help you win your battles!
In her experience, the Battle Faerie has reaped the rewards of many victories over her opponents. Now in exclusive detail, she suggests various ways of spending YOUR victories to a good life.
After The Battle
Now, even your pet can sword-fight just as bravely as the Battle Faerie!
The Art of Sword Fighting
The Battle Faerie explains the all-too-important art of preparing for an upcoming battle. 456 colour photos, 352 B&W illustrations, and no text.
Battle Ready
The Battle Faerie's book of trickery when your pet is at its last straw with nothing else to use. There's always a way out, she writes, it's just a matter of how dirty you want to get.
When All Else Fails

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