All definitions are taken from Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, unless otherwise specified.
Mermaid Grotto
Tails Online
The History of Mermaids
Mermaid Net
Galway's Medieval Mermaids
Mermaids, Undines and Sea Goddesses
Siren Song
Merman (mur-man)
An imaginary male marine creature having the head, torso,
and arms of a man and the tail of a fish.
Triton (tri-ton)
1. A son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, represented as having
the head and trunk of a man and the tail of a fish, and as using a conch-shell
2. Any of a number of minor sea-deities attendant upon the major sea gods.
Selkie (sel-ki)
Not in Dictionary. An Irish marine creature, having the skin
of a seal, and the body of a human when the skin is removed.
Siren (si-ren) Classical Mythology
One of several sea nymphs, part woman and part bird, supposed
to lure mariners to destruction by their seductive singing.
Leviathan (le-vi-a-then) Bible
A sea monster, possibly the crocodile.
Sea Horse (see hors)
A fabled marine animal with the foreparts of a horse and the
hind parts of a fish.
Hippocampus (hip-o-cam-pus) Classical Mythology
A sea horse with two forefeet, and a body ending in the
tail of a dolphin or fish.
Sea Lion (see lion) Heraldry
A monster having the forepart of a lion, webbed forepaws,
and the dorsal fin and tail of a fish.
Sea Serpent (see ser-pent)
An enormous, imaginary, snakelike or dragonlike marine animal.
The constellation "Hydra".
Kraken (kra-ken)
A legendary sea-monster causing large whirlpools off the coast of Norway.