The Mermaid
by Alfred, Lord Tennyson 1809-92
'Who would be a mermaid fair,
singing alone, combing her hair,
Under the sea, in a golden curl,
with a comb of pearl,
On a throne?
I would be a mermaid fair,
I would sing to myself the whole of the day;
With a comb of pearl i would comb my hair;
And still as i combe'd i would sing and say,
"Who is it loves me? who loves not me?"
I would comb my hair till my ringlets would fall
Low adown, low adown,
From under my starry sea-bud crown
Low adown and around;
And i shall look like a fountain of gold
Springing alone
With a shrill inner sound,
Over the throne
In the midst of the hall;
Till that great sea-snake under the sea
From his coiled sleeps in the centeral deeps
Would slowly trail himself sevenfold
Round the hall where i sate, and look in at the gate
With his large clam eyes for the love of me.
And all of the mermen under the sea
Would feel their immortality
Die in their hearts for the love of me'
